How to Predict Sailing Lessons Cost?

Feeling confused about how much does a sailing lesson cost and how much it should? Learn how to calculate the most reasonable Sailing Lessons Cost via these super-easy techniques then. This is how you find out what are the standard sailing course fees in the U.S.

See Exactly How Much Do Sailing Lessons Cost via This Technique

In this article of Sailingyes, you’ll learn how to analyze and determine the most reasonable sailing lessons cost via exclusive methods. Plus, you will find out what are the standard sailing fees in the U.S. as well.

See Exactly How Much Do Sailing Lessons Cost via This Technique

If you’re not experiencing concern over prices, don’t miss out on our guide on how to learn sailing. But if money matters to you, here’s a manual on how to learn sailing for free as well!

Calculate the Reasonable Sailing Lesson Cost

Many experts believe that the most realistic price is $24 per hour while some claim that $20 is the fair one. But if you’d like to analyze a sailing school’s tariff, it’s best to consider the $24-per-hour as the standard fee.

Any number that unreasonably seems to be extremely below or above this number may indicate a serious problem. If, for instance, a facility claims to teach you the necessary fundamentals every sailor needs to know for $15, the quality of the classes is probably controversial. Of course, there are several occasions where a specific institute offers major discounts for a short period of time. So, don’t consider any low fee as a negative sign.

Be Aware of Extra Expenses

The costs of sailing lessons differ from one school to another. And that’s because they offer various options to their students. However, some of these extras may not be included in the contract. So, consult with the facility and ask about the overall services that they’re willing to include in the courses.

“Off-shore meal, for instance, is one of the things that some institutes consider as extra service requiring additional payment.”

ASA Sailing Lessons Cost

The standard fee for a beginner ASA sailing lesson such as “Basic Keelboat” is $300 to $600. But it’s not written in stone and extra services can change it significantly. For instance, some facilities tend to charge the students a more $40 for the ASA entry fee while others have different prices including the sailing certification cost and vice versa.

American Sailing Association is a respected organization that certifies seafaring facilities as well as instructors. Many experts believe that the ASA courses are among the best options for the learners. And that’s why the classes are always in demand. So, if you want to sign up for such a course, it’s good to book your place several weeks earlier.

Expert Advice: if you’re looking to cut back on the budget, here’s what to do. Avoid including the certification issuance fee in the contract and earn a $100 to $150 discount. Some institutes allow you to refuse to get a certification at the end of the course, which means you may end up paying less compared to others.

ASA Sailing Lessons Cost

US Sailing-Affiliated Courses Price Charter

The sailing lessons cost affiliated with this organization start from $600 and may increase up to $800. The cheapest US Sailing-affiliated classes are in Northern California—$23 per hour. But here’s a list of all states that you can find a certified US Sailing school at:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Maryland
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

Private Sailing Lessons Cost

Each institute can predict distinctive principles to calculate the cost of private lessons. But generally, most of them charge $250 per each day. So, if you take a 4-day course, the overall cost will be roughly $1000. But don’t forget that extra expenses such as food are not taken into account in the given numbers.

Cancelation Fee per Student

We tried to answer how much do sailing lessons cost, but some may be looking for the opposite. So, here’s the thing: the cancelation fee per student is $200 in most ASA and US Sailing affiliated institutes.

However, the time of cancelation can raise or lower it. In fact, lots of sailing schools offer a 100% money-back guarantee programs for those who call off the registration 90 days earlier.


Reference (s):

Sailing Fundamentals

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